d&b audiotechnik Hire Bristol & UK wide
delivered to anywhere in the UK

Small d&b audiotechnik PA System
- Very high-quality sound system rental.
- Perfect for small events.
- Ideal for live sound & electronic music.
- Works in any venue, artist’s pick.
- Suitable up to 120 people.

d&b C7 Package 1
- Very high quality sound system.
- Perfect for almost any application.
- Ideal for live sound & electronic music.
- Works in any venue, artists pick.
- Suitable up to 400 people.
- Simple plug & play operation.

d&b C7 Package 2
- Very high quality sound system rental.
- Perfect for almost any application.
- Ideal for live sound & electronic music.
- Works in any venue, artists pick.
- Suitable up to 800 people.

d&b C7 Package 3
- Very high-quality sound system with additional B2 subwoofers.
- Exceptional full-range sound – our recommended choice.
- Ideal for live sound & electronic music.
- Suitable for any venue.
- Suitable up to 1000 people.